Extended Health Care
Paramedical Services (Chiropractor, Massage Therapy, Podiatry, Speech Therapy, Counselling Services, etc…)
Prescription drug coverage
Travel Insurance
Nursing Care
Ambulance Coverage
50% to 100% coverage of eligible expenses.
No overall maximums, but some specific items or services have annual or lifetime maximums.
Best Doctors
What does it mean to access Best Doctors® 50,000 medical specialists? It means the right diagnosis, the right treatment options, faster recoveries and better medical outcomes for your employees. It means help for employees to connect with the best medical care and help in navigating the maze of medical information. It means a registered nurse becomes their personal advocate, and it’s included with every Chambers Plan Edmonton employee benefits program we offer.
Employee Assistance Program
Make professional counselling services available to all your employees.
Coverage provides up to 9 hours of confidential counselling per family annually at no additional cost
Dental Benefits
Basic dental programs available to companies of all sizes.
Dental exams, basic restorative procedures, periodontal and endodontic services (including root canals), and repairing, rebasing and relining dentures.
Major dental benefits including crowns, is available to firms of 3 or more employees
Children’s orthodontics can be covered in firms of 10 or more employees.