What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine which focuses on the flow of energy throughout the body. When the flow is disrupted it can lead to pain, illness, or lack or normal function; your acupuncturist will focus on various acupoints in your body to relieve tension and to help release your body’s natural pain killers by targeting some of the body’s main systems, including the nervous, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and digestive systems.
Your acupuncturist will start your appointment by examining your tongue, checking your pulse, and asking you some questions about your medical history; once they have determined the best treatment plan for you, they will start with your acupuncture treatment. Your practitioner will insert needles as slim as human hair into your acupoints. After insertion, the acupuncturist might manipulate the needles by hand or by adding an electrical stimulant.
Although some people might shy away from this treatment due to a fear of needles, most patients report little to no discomfort and leave the treatment with a sense of relief.
The most common reason for visiting an acupuncturist is to manage neck, back, joint, or head pain, including the treatment of migraines. Additionally, acupuncture can help with nausea, allergies, menopause symptoms, and infertility.
Depending on the severity of your condition, your acupuncturist might recommend coming back for a series of weekly treatments, or he/she might suggest continuing acupuncture as a form of maintenance.
Regardless of physical condition, acupuncture is generally suitable for most people. It can help to treat the root cause of your malady and can reduce your dependence on medication and/or prevent you from needing medical procedures.
Some people might experience minor discomfort after treatment, including stiffness and/or soreness, but these symptoms are not generally a cause for concern.
Clinical studies have also shown acupuncture to help treat the following:
- Depression,
- Knee pain
- Dental pain
- Sciatica
- Cardiac neurosis
- Ear pain
- Female reproductive pain
- Insomnia
- Hypertension
Acupuncture is generally covered under your group insurance plan. Please talk to your plan administrator or review your employee booklet form more information.
Read More: Advantages of Acupuncture, Clinical Care