Edmonton Employee Health and Dental Benefits


Changes in the New Year

Paramedical Services 

The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan has been working hard to serve you better, with that in mind there will be some changes to all Health Options in 2016. 

Chambers of Commerce Health options currently include paramedical services from the following practitioners: 

  • Massage Therapists 
  • Physiotherapists 
  • Chiropractors
  • Podiatrists/chiropodists
  • Naturopaths 
  • Osteopaths 
  • Acupuncturists
  • Clinical Dietitians 
  • Psychologists/Social Workers 
  • Speech Therapists 
  • Audiologists

Some of these services used to be viewed as alternative practices, however they are becoming increasingly popular to treat medical conditions. Instead of using these services for specific conditions, people are using them as preventative measures and to increase their overall mental and physical well-being.

In order to maintain sustainability for these products, the Chambers of Commerce Group Plan is applying an annual overall maximum to Health Option benefits. Effective January 1, 2016, all Health options will include a combined overall paramedical maximum of $2,500 per family per year. Based on claim figures over the past two years, 99% of current plan holders will not see any change in the amounts reimbursed by the Plan, however it will allow the Chambers Plan to continue to offer a broad range of service at sustainable rates. 

Your firm's Plan Participants are able to print this Change Notification at http://www.chambers.ca/existing-clients/employers/plan-news-and-publications.html

Plan participants using my-benefits can find the Change Notification under Forms & Tools/News & publications/ Amendments